Home / Project Profiles / Simeone Foundation Museum
Company Background
The Simeone Foundation Museum is a collection of over 65 of the rarest and most significant sports cars in the world – including the 1938 Alfa Romeo that many feel is one of the most beautiful cars ever built. It took over 50 years to form this collection and this museum brings pride to each and every automobile in it. Their theme is “the spirit of competition” and they chose to celebrate the history and evolution of the automobile every day.
Project Background
The Simeone Foundation Museum needed a floor coating system that was versatile and could be used in multiple different areas, such as the auto shop, kitchen, and food prep.
Products Used (Click on product or system for more details.)
The facility needed to find a coating that was versatile enough to be used in many areas through the museum but also provide the durability and chemical resistance necessary for the automotive shop. The system needed minimal down time, as the museum was approaching its grand opening.
The Simeone Foundation Museum coated their concrete floors in UCoat It’s UGloss-AF Medium Blue. “We selected UCoat It for the shop floor coating because we knew it had been used successfully in thousands of automotive dealerships,” said Fred Simeone, executive director of the Simeone Foundation Museum. “It has proven that it can withstand years of abuse from automotive chemicals and equipment. Plus, it looks fantastic.”
SIMEONE FOUNDATION and the SIMEONE FOUNDATION LOGO are registered trademarks of The Simeone Foundation Museum. For additional facility information, visit: www.simeonefoundation.org
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