Home / Project Profiles / Unique Autosports
Company Background
Unique Autosports is a highly acclaimed customizing auto shop that services celebrity clientele and car enthusiasts from around the world. Owned by Will Castro, Unique Autosports has been recognized as a leader in car customization for more than 10 years.
Project Background
In 2009, owner Will Castro decided to coat his new 10,000 square foot custom auto shop. “I opened the shop in Miami because most of my clients spend seven months out of the year there.” said Castro. His high-profile clientele and his facility serving as the part-time television set for Unique Whips made his choice in flooring incredibly important. The floors needed to show a pristine and professional look.
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One challenge Unique Autosports had with this project was having floors that were aged and in terrible condition. The condition of this floor being as it was meant that proper preparation had to be done before the coating could be applied. This floor coating system needed to provide them with durability, chemical and abrasion resistance, and a clean and professional appearance.
Unique Autosports decided to finish their shop flooring with UCoat It UGloss-AF in white. An 8-foot-wide version of the Unique Autosports logo is painted into the center of the floor using UGloss-AF Black and UGloss-AF Medium Gray. “The floor is flawless”, Castro said. “The building is from the 1950s, and the floor was in terrible condition. Now the floor looks brand new. It’s exactly how I wanted it to be.”
UNIQUE AUTOSPORTS and the UNIQUE LOGO are registered trademarks of Unique Autosports. For additional facility information, visit: www.willcastro.com
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