Home / Project Profiles / Marine Mechanics Institute
Company Background
The Marine Mechanics Institute (MMI), a division of Universal Technical Institute, is the country’s premier technical school for the training of students seeking a career within the marine industry. MMI provides intensive, hands-on training and places great importance on instilling a sense of professionalism in every student.
Project Background
MMI was looking for a floor coating that would create a barrier to chemicals and oils, resist hard impacts, and protect from abrasions and dropped tools. Besides being the mainstay of classrooms and assembly areas, MMI also needed a floor coating in their automotive facilities, washrooms, and storage rooms.
Products Used (Click on product or system for more details.)
The main objective for installing a floor coating was to provide durability in a variety of different areas, protect against potential spills from automotive chemicals, and be easy to install with a fast turnaround. Besides these specific needs, MMI also wanted the floor coating to be quick and easy to clean because of the busy schedule and heavy foot traffic each room has.
The Marine Mechanics Institute chose to finish their floorings with UCoat It UltraLife with Dove flake. The multiple clear coats involved in the installation of the UltraLife system ensure maximum protection against harsh chemical cleaners and automotive fluids. This fulfilled all of MMI’s needs and left MMI very pleased with the final outcome of their floors.
UNIVERSAL TECHNICAL INSTITUTE and the UTI LOGO are registered trademarks of Universal Technical Institute, Inc. For additional facility information, visit: www.uti.edu/Marine/
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