Heavy Duty Degreaser
UDegrease is a powerful degreasing agent that is useful in preparing an entire area for a UCoat floor coating system. Simply dilute with water to the desired strength, apply to the floor, thoroughly agitate with a broom, and rinse completely. UDegrease can also be used to remove some waxy residues left behind by water-washable paint strippers after removing an old coating or paint.
1 Quart
Case / 12 Quarts per case
1 Gallon
Case / 4 Gallons per case
5 Gallon
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UCI NA, LLC is a privately owned company based in Royal Oak, MI, USA. All registered product names are exclusive property of UCI NA, LLC and may not be reproduced. This site is maintained by UCoat It. For sales or technical support call 1-800-826-2848.