Metallon Floor Coating Systems

Create Your Unique Floor

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Metallon 50

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Metallon 50 is a fully water based three step metallic floor coating application is ideal for indoor spaces where a low odor, non flammable  coating is desired.


Metallon 100

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Metallon 100 is a three coat metallic epoxy installation that employs the use of two coats of our UCoat water based epoxy and then top coated with our UGlaze-SB moisture urethane with our Decor Metallic additive mixed in.


Metallon 500

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The ultimate metallic floor coating is our Metallon 500.  A three coat system that employs one coat of our UCoat as a primer, the use of our UClad high build epoxy as a binder.  This will provide exceptional depth for the metallic pigment to provide greater contrast and a richer look. Then top coated with one of one top coats.